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24. For the administration of the Eucharist to children, it is required that they have sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so that they can understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity, and can receive the Lord with faith and devotion. (CIC 913, §1)

25. It is the responsibility of parents and those who take the place of parents as well as the pastor to see that children who have reached the use of reason are correctly prepared for the Eucharist as early as the third grade. First reception of the Eucharist is to be preceded by the reception of the sacrament of reconciliation. (CIC 914)

26. The first celebration of the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist for all children will

ordinarily take place in the the third grade. A period of three months shall separate the celebration of first reconciliation from First Eucharist.

27. It is the responsibility of parishes to provide programs for all children and parents preparing for the celebration of first reconciliation and First Eucharist. (14)

28. Children who have completed programs of preparation for first reconciliation and First Eucharist in Catholic Schools are not required to participate in sacramental preparation classes in their home parish programs before the sacraments are celebrated.        28.1. The Catholic school is also responsible for the parent's preparation program.        28.2. A certificate, indicating that preparation for the sacraments has been provided at the school and that the child and parents have completed the program of preparation, will be issued to the parents by the school principal. This certificate is to be presented by the parents to the pastor of the child´s home parish. The pastor is to accept this certificate as proof of preparation.        28.3. Ordinarily, the celebrations of first reconciliation and First Eucharist should occur in the child's home parish. In special circumstances, permission may be granted (in writing) by the pastor of the home parish for the celebration to take place elsewhere. (150

29. Children of catechetical age who are not baptized are to be prepared for the Sacraments of Initiation according to the RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Part II. Rites for Particular Circumstances 1. Christian Initiation of Children Who Have Reached Catechetical Age.

30. Baptized Catholic adults who have not received First Eucharist should be prepared for the reception of the sacraments in the manner described in the RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. Part II. Rites for Particular Circumstances. 4.Preparation of Uncatechized Adults for Confirmation and Eucharist. (See also Archdiocese of Santa Fe Confirmation Policy #17).

31. Whenever possible, First Eucharist should be received under both species following the norms given in #20 above.

(14) If the parents have gone through similar instructions within the last two years, they do not need to repeat the instructions again. (15) Children attending a Catholic school in a parish other than their own proper parish should have the option of receiving First Eucharist with their classmates.

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